- +44 (077) 2155-4940
- [email protected]
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:30
We guarantee a sparkling clean home or workplace. Our experienced cleaners use the latest tools and techniques for sanitising, scrubbing and removing dirt and grime. Whether preparing for a special event or just in need of a deep clean...
Our green cleaning service uses only natural, non-toxic cleaning products, which are kind to the environment and safe for your family. We believe that a clean home should not come at the cost of the environment.
A quick and thorough clean for those times when you need a little extra help. Our mini cleaning service is perfect for those small cleaning jobs that need to be done, but you don't have the time or energy to do them yourself. We'll take care of everything!
A comprehensive clean to prepare your home for a change in tenants. Our end of tenancy cleaning service is designed to help you prepare your home for the next tenant. We'll make sure your home is spotless and hygienic.
A complete and extensive cleaning service following building or renovation work. Our post-construction clean-up service is designed to clean up the mess left behind after building or renovation work...
Give your exterior surfaces a deep clean with our pressure washing service. Whether it's your patio, driveway, or walls, we'll remove dirt, grime, and any other build-up.
A comprehensive cleaning service that covers all aspects of your business, ensuring a clean, hygienic and professional environment for your employees and customers. We'll keep everything in order, so your workers can focus on their work.
We’ll provide specialized cleaning for schools and educational facilities, ensuring a clean, hygienic and safe environment and that they are safe and healthy for students and staff.
Your furniture is a significant investment that deserves the best care. Our Upholstery Cleaning service ensures your sofas, chairs, and other...
We’ll provide specialized cleaning for schools and educational facilities, ensuring a clean, hygienic and safe environment and that they are safe and healthy for students and staff.
Hygiene is of utmost importance in any medical facility. We offer a specialized cleaning service that covers all aspects of medical facilities, ensuring a clean, hygienic and safe environment for patients, staff and visitors...
A service that provides specialized cleaning for sports facilities, such as gyms, arenas, changing rooms and showers, keeping them safe and ready for use.
Your bathrooms should be a sanctuary of cleanliness and comfort, but they can quickly become a breeding ground for dirt, grime, and germs.
The kitchen is often the heart of the home, but it’s also one of the busiest and messiest areas. Our Kitchen Cleaning service ensures your kitchen is spotless...
We guarantee keeping your workplace clean and tidy! From cleaning the floors to restocking the supplies, we'll take care of all your janitorial needs, giving you one less thing to worry about.
Our event cleaning service is designed to help you prepare for your special event or occasion. Whether it's a birthday party, wedding, or other celebration, we'll make sure your home is spotless and ready for your guests!
A cluttered home can lead to unnecessary stress and make daily life more challenging. Our Decluttering & Storage service is designed to help you...
Clean windows can make a significant difference in the appearance of your home or office. Our Window Cleaning service ensures your windows ...
Experience the ultimate in residential, commercial, and industrial cleaning with 10% off your first service. Let us handle the hard work while you enjoy a spotless space.
We guarantee keeping your workplace clean and tidy! From cleaning the floors to restocking the supplies, we’ll take care of all your janitorial needs, giving you one less thing to worry about.
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